Ancestors of Maria Yolanda LOPEZ

Ancestors from Hidalgo County, Texas are from Donna, Yorktown and Azadores Ranch. Ancestors from Nuevo Leon, Mexico are from Las Herreras, San Vicente, Pesqueria Chica and Cerritos. Please note that only those names with full dates [day/month/year] have been documented. I have tried to only include ancestors that I can confirm with available records. Please be sure to refer to the notes regarding the sources of information I have found to date. Please contact me if you find any errors or if you have found any additional records.  Also see Asadores Munoz Cemetery.

Table of Contents

The ancestry report uses 'Ahnentafel' numbering. This means that the numbers for a person's parents will be twice as large as that person's number. For example, if a woman's number is 15, her father will be number 30, and her mother will be 31. Her child will be number 7.

Prepared by:

Yolanda M. Lucero
26963 Merril Avenue
Madera, CA 93638-0438
Tel: 559-661-0510

Send e-mail to:

This web site produced 16 Mar 2004 by Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.