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[CD-Best of Stanley]


Éste es mamá

Éste es papá

Éste es hermano alto

Éste es hermana

Este es bebé

Y los queremos todos


Éste es abuela

Éste es abuelo

Éste es mi tío el alto

Éste es mi tía

Este es mi primo

Y los queremos todos

English lyrics by Stanley


This is mother

This is father

This is brother tall

This is sister

This is baby

And we love them all


This is grandma

This is grandpa

This is my uncle tall

This is auntie

This is cousin

And we love them all

Literal translation

This is mother, this is father, this is brother tall, this is sister, and this is baby, and we love them all.

This is grandfather, this is grandmother, this is my uncle the tall one, this is my aunt, this is my male cousin, and we love them all.

Books and recording where I found Los pollitos


Song title Location Source Author, Date
La familia Lagos de San Juan, Jalisco. Canciones de Lagos Lucero, 1984
La familia Lagos de San Juan, Jalisco. Best of Stanley A. Lucero Lucero, 1998