of sources for Children's Music and Games in Spanish compiled by Stanley A. Lucero, 1995
In 1995 I was asked by Nancy Marquez, director of Arte Americas, Fresno, California, in conjunction with a grant from the California Arts Council, to submit the following information about children's songs and games in Spanish: place of origin, literal translations, poetic translations and historical comments.
The following bibliography lists books and recordings of children's music and games in Spanish that I identified while doing my research.
Stanley A. Lucero
*** Recommended books, records, cassettes or CDs.
***Ambriz. Canciones De México 200 Joyas de la Canción Mexicana. Vol. I-V. Dibujos Musicales Ambriz, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, no dates.
Aquino, Francisco. Cantos Para Jugar 1. Editorial Trillas, México D. F., México, 1984. Book with cassette.
Aquino, Francisco. Cantos Para Jugar 2. Editorial Trillas, México D. F., México, 1989. Book with cassette.
Barnett, Harriet and Barlow, Betty M. Hola! Vamos a Cantar. Shawnee Press Inc., Delaware Water Gap, Penn., 1966(?). Record N-176.
Barros, Raquel y Dannemann, Manuel. El Romancero Chileno. Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago De Chile, Chile, 1970.
***Bolanos, Jorge Munoz. 100 Exitos Musicales para Acordeón, Guitarra, Piano, Organo. Editorial Progreso, S. A., México 4, D. F., 1980.
Brady, Agnes M. and Moats, Margarita Marquez de. La Navidad, Christmas In Spain and Latin America. National Textbook Company, Skokie, Illinois, 1970.
Campos, Ruben M. El Folklore y la Música Mexicana, Investigación acerca de la cultura musical en México (1525-1925). Publicaciones De La Secretaria De Educación Pública, Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, México, 1928.
Companía infantíl de Televicentro. Nuevos Juegos Infantiles De México. RCA S.A. de C.V., México, D.F., no date. Record MKLA /S-1853.
Companía infantíl de Televicentro. Rondas Infantiles. RCA S.A. de C.V., México, D.F., no date. Records MKLA /S-72.
CONAFE (Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo). Así Cantan Y Juegan En El Sur De Jalisco. Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo, México, D.F., 1988.
CONAFE (Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo). Así Cantan Y Juegan En La Huasteca. Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo, México, D.F., 1986.
CONAFE (Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo). Así Cantan Y Juegan En Los Altos De Jalisco. Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo, México, D.F., 1989.
***Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Cancionero popular Mexicano. Vol. 1-2. Dirección General de Culturas Populares, México, D.F., 1987.
Corvalan, Octavio. Vamos A Cantar (Let us sing, a collection of children's songs in Spanish). Folkways Records Album No. FC 7747, Folkways Records and Service Corp., NYC, USA, 1960.
De Cesare, Ruth. Canciones para la clase de Español. Mills Music, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1960.
De Cesare, Ruth. 90 Songs Of The Americas, A Musical Introduction to the Varied Cultural Heritage of the Americas. Belwin Mills, Miami, Fl, 1993.
Delarce, Lulu. Arroz Con Leche, Popular Songs And Rhymes From Latin America. Scholastic Inc., New York, 1989.
Delacre, Lulu. Las Navidades Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America. Scholastic Inc., New York, New York, 1990.
Delgado, Emilio (narrator). Fiesta Musical, A Musical Adventure Through Latin America For Children. Music for Little People, Redway, Ca., 1994. Cassette 9 42533-4.
Ebinger, Virginia Nylander. Niñez, Spanish Songs, Games, and Stories of Childhood. Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1993.
***Garcia, Francisco Moncada. Así Juegan Los Niños, Recopilación De Juegos Infantiles. Edicorial Avante, S. de R.L., Impresa Galve, S.A., México, D.F., 1962.
Gil, Bonifacio. Cancionero Infantíl Universál. Aguilar, S.A. de Ediciones, 1964.
Glazer, Tom. Children's Songs from Latin America. CMS Records Inc., New York, N.Y., 1973. CMS 659.
Glazer, Tom. Songs Children Sing in Latin America. CM 1492, Wonderland Records, Bill Grauer Productions, Inc., New York, N.Y., no date.
***Gonzales, Dolores (Editor). Canciones y Juegos de Nuevo México. A.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., Cranbury, New Jersey, 1974.
Harbin, E.O. Games of Many Nations. Arbingdon Press, New York and The Parthenon Press, Nashville, Tennessee, 1954,
Henius, Frank. Songs and Games of the Americas. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, N.Y., 1943.
Hernando, Dorothy Ling De. Canciones De Ahora Y De Siempre. Editorial Universitaria De Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1968.
Hubp, Loretta Burke. Let's Play Games In Spanish, a collection of games, skits, & teacher aids. National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, Illinois, 1985.
Jauregui, A.L. Cantos Infantiles para Enseñanaza Preescolar y Primaria. Editorial Avante, S. de R.L., México, D. F., 1975.
Jimenez, Emma Holguin and Puncel, Conchita Morales. Cancioncitas, Versitos Y Juegos Meñiques Para Chiquitines. Bowmar Publishing Corp., 1969.
Krones, Beatrice and Max. Cantemos en Español (Let's sing in Spanish). Idyllwild Records, Idyllwild, Ca., record S-2006-A, 1961.
Krones, Beatrice and Max. Cantemos Niños. Neil A. Kjos Music Co., Publisher, Park Ridge, Illinois, 1961.
List, George. Music and Poetry in a Colombian Village, A Tri-Cultural Heritage. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1983.
Little Joe y La Famila. De Colores. Leona Record Corporation, Temple, Texas, no date. Record LRC-021.
Lomax, Alan (Editor). Folk Music of the United States. Bahaman Songs, French Ballads and Dance tunes, Spanish Religious Songs and Game Songs. From the Archive of American Folk Song. Library of Congress Division of Music Recording Laboratory. Record AAFS L5.
Los Lobos. Los Lobos Del Este De Los Angeles (Just another band from East L.A.). A Los Lobos Del Este De Los Angeles Production, Los Angeles, Ca., 1980. Record NV-1001.
Luce, Allena. Vamos A Cantar. D.C. Heath and Company, Boston, Mass., 1946.
Lucero, Stanley A. Canciones Para Niños. Arte Américas, Fresno, Ca., 1973. (cassette with book).
Lucero, Stanley A. Cancionero Infantíl. Arte Américas, Fresno, Ca., 1977. (cassette with book).
Lucero, Stanley A. Juegos y Diversiones. Arte Américas, Fresno, Ca., 1977. (cassette with book).
Lucero, Stanley A. Canciones De Lagos. Arte Américas, Fresno, Ca., 1984. (cassette with book).
Lucero, Stanley A. Turquoise: Children's Music in Spanish. Lucerito's Music, Madera, CA. 1995.
Lucero, Stanley A. Best of Stanley A. Lucero, 1973-1977. Lucerito's Music, Madera, CA. 1998.
Lucero, Stanley A. and Quiroz, Linda. Dos Voces - Un Espiritu. Lucerito's Music (Madera, CA) and Linda Quiroz Enterprises (Odessa, TEX), 1999.
Lucero, Stanley A. Fiestas y cuento-cantos. Lucerito's Music, Madera, CA 2001
Lummis, Charles F. Spanish Songs of Old California. G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, 1929.
Macmillan. Songs in Spanish for Primary Grades Music and You. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, New York, 1989. Record P 21202.
Macmillan. Songs in Spanish for Intermediate Grades Music and You. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, New York, 1989. Record P 21203.
McCoy, William J. Folksongs of the Spanish Californians. Sherman, May & Co., San Francisco, Ca., 1926.
McLaughlin, Roberta and Stanchfield, Bessie Mae. Cancioncitas, Little Songs of Latin America. Paul A. Schmitt Music Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1948.
***Mendoza, Vicente T. El Romance Español el Corrido Mexicano Estudio Comparativo. Ediciones de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México, 1939.
***Mendoza, Vicente T. Folklore de San Pedro Piedra Gorda, Zacatecas. Instituto Nacional De Bellas Artes Secretaria De Educación Pública, Se imprimío en los Talleres Gráficos De La Nación, México, 1952.
***Mendoza, Vicente T. Lírica Infantíl De México. Fonda de Cultura Economica, México, D.F., 1980.
***Mendoza, Vicente T. Panorama De La Musica Tradicional De México. Imprenta Universitaria, México, D.F., 1956.
Mills, Alvin and Pepa. Canciones Folkloricas Infantiles De España. Pepa Mills Music Studio, Van Nuys, California, 1973.
Mintern, Charles Ethridge (State Supervisor, New Mexico Writer's Project). The Spanish American Song and Game Book. A.S. Barnes and Company, New York, 1942.
Mondragon, Roberto and Saucedo, Vicenta. Juguemos Niños and Juguemos Otra Vez. Recording by Aspectos Culturales, Santa Fe, N.Mex, 1993.
Montoya, Juan Hidalgo. Cancionero de Andalucía. Antonio Carmona, Editor, Madrid, España, 1971.
***Montoya, Juan Hidalgo. Cancionero Infantíl. Impreso en España por Musicraf Arabi, S.A., Madrid, España, 1972.
Orozco, José Luis. Cantos Y Juegos Para La Clase Bilingüe. B.A.B.E.L., Inc., Oakland, Cal., no date.
***Orozco, José Luis. De Colores And Other Latin-American Folk Songs For Children. Dutton Children's Books, New York, 1994.
***Orozco, José Luis. Lírica Infantíl Con José-Luis Orozco, Children's Folklore in Spanish, Volumes 1-6. Arcoiris Records, Berkeley, Ca. (cassettes, albums, CDs, and books)
Parsons, Jack. Straight from the Heart, Portraits of Traditional Hispanic Musicians. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1990.
Pascual, Henry W. Canciones de ayer y hoy. New Mexico State Department of Education, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1966.
Paz, Elena. Songs in Spanish for children (Canciones en Español para niños). Columbia Records, 1962. Record 91A-02029.
Paz, Gabriela de la. Lectura Con Gabriela, Spanish Reading Through Music. Pan American Publishing Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Ca., 1984. Record.
Pierret-Villanueva, Florencia. Cancionero Juvenil Dominicano. Union Panamericana Secretaria General, Organización de Los Estados Americanos, Washington, D. C., 1966.
Prieto, Mariana. Play It In Spanish, Spanish Games And Folk Songs For Children. The John Day Company, New York, 1973.
***Quiróz, Linda. Estas Si Las Vas A Aprender, Volumes 1-4. Bilingual Communications, Odessa, Texas. (cassettes and books)
Richter, Ada. Sing in Spanish with Pedro and María. Theodore Presser Company, Bryn, Pennsylvania, 1972.
Robb, John Donald. Hispanic Folk Songs of New Mexico with selected songs collected, transcribed & arranged for Voice and Piano. The University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1954.
Schoenbach, Ruth. Canciones De Compañeros, A Book of Spanish Songs for Children. Iaconi Book Imports, San Francisco, California, 1985.
Schon, Isabel with Chalquest, R. R. Doña Blanca And Other Hispanic Nursery Rhymes And Games. T. S. Denison and Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1983.
SEP (Subsecretaria de Educación Superior e Investigación Científico). Rondas y Canciones Infantiles, 2do. grado. Dirección General de Capacitación y Mejoramiento Profesional de Magisterio, México, 1981.
SEP (Luz del Carmen Fentanez, María Elena Figueroa, Janet Suarez, y Susana Zenteno) and UNICEF (Leticia Moreno Osornio). Juegos Tradicionales Latinamericanos, A La Rueda Rueda. SEP-UNICEF, Equipo Editor, S.C., México, D.F., 1987.
Soler, Francisco Gabilondo. Lo Mejor De Cri-Cri. RCA S.A. de C.V., México, D.F., 1968. Records MKLA-63.
Stockham, Leslie C. Poemas Tradicionales Grade Pre K-2. Bilingual Language Materials, Newport Beach, Cal., 1991.
***SWEDC (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory). Paso a Paso con los Niños. National Educational Laboratory Publishers, Inc., Austin, Texas, 1970.
Valero, Lori. Los Elefantes. Headstart Fresno County, Fresno, California, 1980.
Van Stone, Mary R. Spanish Folk Songs of New Mexico. Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Illinois, 1928.
Yurchenco, Henrietta. A Fiesta Of Folk Songs From Spain And Latin America. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1967.
Yurchenco, Henrietta. Children's Songs and Games from Ecuador, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Folkways Records and Services Corp., New York, N.Y., 1977. Folkways Record FC 7856.
Yurchenco, Henrietta. Latin American Children Game and Songs. Asch Recordings, New York, USA, 1968. Folkways Records FC 7851.
Revised July 12, 2009-->