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Bilingual Education




Subtests IV and V

Stanley A. Lucero, Master of Arts in Teaching

As you prepare to take the CSET LOTE Spanish Subtests IV and V to qualify for Bilingual Authorization on your California Teaching Credential, study the following information carefully until you clearly understand the importance of the concepts and prepare yourself to be a highly qualified Bilingual Credentialed Teacher.  This information will take several months or years of consistent, intense efforts on your part to master.  I suggest forming a study team.

I organized and gathered this information starting as a team leader to develop tests for the Bilingual Certificate of Competence Exam for the Tulare County Bilingual Bicultural Consortium.  I continued updating the information as I worked with districts near me to develop their Bilingual Master Plans.  After I retired, I taught at California State University, Fresno in the bilingual credentialing program.  I also assisted Tulare County Department of Education with their CSET LOTE Spanish test preparation classes.


BILINGUAL EDUCATION TERMINOLOGY BY CATEGORY. For your use with coworkers, administrators, and parents.   Manyof these items appear on the CSET LOTE tests. VOCABULARY AND PHRASES.CSET LOTE Spanish Subtest IV and Subtest V.  CSET LOTE QUOTES. Sources include California Department of Education, Dual Language university textbooks, and a variety of web sites. CSET LOTE BIBLIOGRAPYAs much as possible, I tried to look at information that was available during the time the CSET LOTE tests were written and implemented.
SUBTEST IV TEST GUIDE published by Pearson Education, inc. SUBTEST V TEST GUIDE published by Pearson Education, inc. SUBTEST IV SAMPLE QUESTIONS published by Pearson Education, inc. SUBTEST V SAMPLE QUESTIONS published by Pearson Education, Inc.


Subtest IV:  Bilingual Education and Bilingualism; Intercultural Communication, Instruction, and Assessment.


TEACHING STUDENTS FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES.  Some observations by Stanley A Lucero Feb 2019. Updated Aug 2020 PROGRAMAS DE INMERSION DUAL. Presentacion por Stanley A Lucero para padres hispanohablantes en varias conferences de CABE I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE TRULY BILINGUAL by Stanley A Lucero/  2004.  ALAS Coordinator.
BILINGUISTMO.  Images from Google search. 2015 COMPANEROS BILINGUES.  Workshop presentation power point 2015 WORKING WITH SPANISH SPEAKING SPECIAL EDUCATION S TUDENTS.  Stanley A Lucero 1994 through 2006.

Subtest V: Geographic and Historical Contexts; Sociopolitical and Sociocultural Contexts.


THE IMPORTANCE OF BECOMING A BILINGUAL PROFESSIONAL IN YOUR CHOSEN FIELD OF EXPERTISE. by Stanley A Lucero. May 2014. WHO ARE THE ENGLISH LEARNERS AND WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?   By Stanley A Lucero, 2011 BILINGUAL SPECIAL EDUCATION.  A group presentation for AS 170, CSU, Fresno. March 1988.  Submitted by Norma Gonzalez, Stanley A Lucero, Teresa Mendez, and Maria Rodriguez.



Use the following books as sources of information for your dual language classroom


Dual Language Instruction: A Handbook for Enriched Education

Bilingualism and Special Education: Issues in Assessment and Pedagogy. 

Cummins, Jim. 1985

Californians Together presents The Seal of Biliteracy Program

Californians Together. 1998. Long Beach

Dual Language Education for a Transformed World

Thomas, Wayne P. and Collier, Virginia P.

Dual Language Education of New Mexico Fuente Press, Albuquerque. 

ISBN 978-0-9843169-1-5

Dual Language Instruction.  A Handbook for Enriched Education.  Cloud, Nancy; Genesee, Fred; and Hamayan, Else. 2000. 

Heinle & Heinle, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc., Boston.  

ISBN 083848801-3


Educating English Learners for a Transformed World

Educating English Learners For a Transformed World. 

Collier, Virginia P. and Thomas, Wayne P., 2009.

Dual Language Education of New Mexico Fuente Press, Albuquerque. 

ISBN 978-0-9843169-0-8

Language Experience Approach to Reading (and Writing). LEA for ESL.  Dixon, Carol N. and Nessel, Denise, 1983. 

The Alemany Press, Hayward.

ISBN 0-88084-037-4

Mulicultural Education in Practice. Transforming One Community at a Time

Edited by Gallardo, Olivia M. and Ramirez, Lettie, 2012

CABE & Velazquez Press

ISBN 1-59495-068-7

Realizing the Vision of Two-Way Immersion

Howard, Elizabeth R. and Sugarman, Julie, 2007

Center for Applied Linguistics

ISBN 1-932748-61-X



Book cover

The Bilingual Special Education Interface (4th Edition

Baca, Leonard M. and Cervantes, Hermes T. 2003

ISBN 978-0131138438

The Foundations of Dual Language Instruction (Sixth Edition)

Lesssow-Hurley, Judith, 2013

Pearson, USA

ISBN 978-0-13-268516-0

The Inner World of the Immigrant Child.

Igoa, Cristina, 1995. 

St. Martin's Press, New York. 

ISBN 0-8058-8013-5

7 Steps to Success in Dual Language Immersion

Carrera-Carrillo, Lore and Smith, Annette Richert Smith, 2006

Heinemann, Portmouth, NH

ISBN 0-325-00992-9



Word to Word Spanish and English School Dictionary

Velazquez Press, 2012

Velazquez Press, El Monte, CA.

ISBN 978-1-59495-067-4

Velazquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Social Studies Classroom

Velazquez Press, 2011

Velazquez Press, El Monte, CA

ISBN 978-1-59495-010-0


Velazquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Mathematics Classroom

Velazquez Press, 2010

Velazquez Press, El Monte, CA.


Velazquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Science Classroom

Velazquez Press, 2011

Velazquez Press, El Monte, CA

ISBN 978-1-59495-010-5.


Page updated September 13, 2020