Lucerito's Music
Lucerito's Music featuring children's music in Spanish
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Juegos Y Diversiones


Calentamiento (Warm Up)
Doña Blanca (Dona White)
El Lobito (The Little Wolf)
El Payasito (The Little Clown)
Juan Pirulero (John Pirulero)
La Viudita (The Little Widow)
La Víbora (The Rattlesnake)
Los Elefantes (The Elephants)
Matarile (Matarile)
Naranja Dulce (Sweet Orange)
San Miguel (Saint Michael)


Recorded in 1977 in Visalia, California. Based on games collected in California. The recording features the voice of Stanley and his guitar. These are traditional children's games used by bilingual teachers in the San Joaquin Valley.

1977 - Juegos Y Diversiones. These musical games have been played in Spanish speaking countries since before my grandparents' youth. Appropriate for children ages two and up to ten years old.  All eleven of this traditional games collected in the Fresno, California area were remastered and included on the Best of Stanley CD.

Page updated July 12, 2009