Lucerito's Music
Lucerito's Music featuring children's music in Spanish
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1973 in Las Cruces, New Mexico
Chicano Week
New Mexico State University
Teacher Corps Intern, Master's Program

El Barco Chiquitito (The Little Boat)
Las Mañanitas (The Mornings)
El Carro Ford (The Ford Car)
El Zapatero (The Shoemaker)
Frijolitos Pintos (Pinto Beans)
Guadalajara En Un Llano (Guadalajara On A Plain)
La Féria De San Juan (The Fair of Saint John)
La Muñequita (The Little Doll)
Arre Mi Burrito (Giddy-up My Little Burro)
Arrurrú (Arrurru)
Caballito Blanco (Little White Horse)
Cielito Lindo (Pretty Sky)
De Colores (Of Colors)
Lindo Pescadito (Pretty Little Fish)
Los Pollitos (The Little Chicks)
Patito Patito (Little Duck Little Duck)
Pim Pon (Pim Pon)
Vengan A Ver Mi Rancho (Come And See My Farm)

Recorded in 1973 in Las Cruces, New Mexico while attending New Mexico State University. Based on songs collected in New Mexico. This collection was originally a project while studying at New Mexico State University under the Teacher Corps Program as a Teacher Corps Intern. The original recording features the voice of Stanley and his guitar.


1973 - Canciones Para Niños No longer available due to deterioration of the master tape. A collection of children's songs and traditional songs as found in New Mexico.  Seven of the traditional songs were rerecorded with new arrangements on the Dos Voces CD.  Eight of the children songs were rerecorded with a California twist on the Cancionero Infantíl tape and later remastered and transferred to the Best Of Stanley CD. De Colores was rerecorded for the Turquoise CD featuring the voice of Martha Rodriguez. 

Page updated July 12, 2009