Linda Quiróz Enterprises
PO Box 649, Odessa, Texas 79760
FAX: 915-366-1953Email: quirozlin@yahoo.com
Webpage: http://www.qmusic4class.net
Linda has written over 150 songs in Spanish and/or English to teach her curriculum for her Spanish speaking students. Her material "is intended to enhance your instruction by improving retention through rhythm, music and whole language instruction. The content is culturally relevant for Hispanic children and allows for a positive transition to the target language of English."
Her recording are entitled "Estas si las van a aprender" - Canciones para la clase bilingüe - Thematic, Traditional & Skill Development Poems and Songs for the classroom. Contact her for more information about her recordings.Some of the songs Linda wrote to include in our joint CD are: "Lluvia", "Cuando Yo Voy A La Granja", "La Ballena" and "Martin Luther King Jr." I re-recorded most of the songs from Canciones Para Ninos for our Joint CD Dos Voces - Un Espiritu [Stanley]
Page updated July 12, 2009