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June 16 1829- February 17, 1909

Goyaale - Goyathlay - Goyahkla - Golthlay - Gokhlayeh

My Tio Geronimo: An Family Tree

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My mother told me many times that the great Apache warrior, Geronimo, was our Tio [uncle].  I have not found any documented link in my family tree to Geronimo.

If you have any information, please contact me:  Stanley A. Lucero

My great great grandmother, Maria Dolores Quintana, spoke Apache. 

Maria Dolores Quintana was born in 1846 in Tesuque, Santa Fe, New Mexico

She died May 7, 1922 in Penasco, Taos, New Mexico

Her son, Juan Esteban Quintana [my paternal great grandfather], was said to be the son of Geronimo's brother.  His wife Maria Librada Leyba may also have been an Apache.  She was the daughter of Ramon Leiba and Deluvina Samora.



Dolores and her daughter Rumalda [my maternal great grandmother] would go up to the montes [forests] above El Llano de San Juan Nepomusino, Taos, New Mexico to visit the Apaches.



My first cousin 2x removed, Maria Beronis Roybal [granddaughter of Maria Dolores Quintana], married Alfonso Ortiz, a full blood Apache in Peñasco. He would go to Apache Canyon near Chamisal several times a year to meet with the Apaches.


Notes from my cousins

Helen Lopez [great granddaughter of Maria Dolores Quintana]

"She said her mother [Ramonsita Quintana] told her Juan Estevan’s father was either an Apache or the Roybal man. She did not know for sure since Maria Q [Maria Dolores] was having relations with both men at the same time."

“She said her mother [Ramonsita Quintana] had said Juan looked like the Indian ... but acted like the Roybal boys.  She said they were his friends and  that he hung out with him, but they never claimed to be his brothers and the Roybal man never claimed him as his son.”

Dallas Eggelmeyer [2nd great granddaughter of Maria Dolores Quintana]

“Only my grandmother Ramonsita looked Indian.”

“My grandmother Ramonsitia does look a lot like Geronimo.”

"Juan Esteban was said to be the son of Geronimo’s brother"


Elizabeth Varela [2nd great granddaughter of Maria Dolores Quintana] "The father of Juan Estevan was the brother of Geronimo.



Geronimo was the son of Taklishim and Juana

Geronimo was the grandson of Chief Mah-ko




See my virtual cemetery for Geronimo family

My tio Geronimo

Suggested Websites

Indigenous People


Suggested books to read

Apache Agent

The Story of John P. Clum

By Woodworth Clum

Apache Mothers and Daughters

by Ruth McDonald Boyer and Narcissus Duffy Gayton

Geronimo: His Own Story: The Autobiography of a Great Patriot Warrior

by Frederick Turner, Geronimo, and Stephen Melvil Barrett

I Fought With Geronimo

by Jazon Betzinez with Wilbur Sturtevant Nye


An Apache Odyssey

By Eve Ball with Nora Henn and Lynda A. Sanchez

The First Hundred Years of Nino Cochise: The Untold Story of an Apache Indian Chief

by Ciye Nino Cochise and A. Kinney Griffith

NOTE: Many Apaches believe that Nino Cochise was an imposter and not a son of Taza or grandson of Chochise


See the Outline Descendant Report for Mah-ka


1= 1st generation [Mah-ko]

2 = 2nd generation [children]

3 = 3rd generation [grandchildren]

4 = 4th generation [great grandchildren]

Page updated June 8, 2014